If a popcorn ceiling (or stained and damaged drywall or plaster) is making your home look outdated, it’s time to trade that frumpy, bumpy texture for something stylish and inviting.
Removing a popcorn ceiling is a messy, time-consuming job. Fortunately, in most cases, it’s not necessary because you can easily cover up that unsightly texture with ceiling panels or planks. Most options easily install directly over your existing popcorn ceiling using the EASY UP track and clip installation system. In as little as a weekend, you can hide that ugly ceiling and start enjoying a decorative one that will completely change the look of your room.
Transform your popcorn ceiling from eyesore to eye candy the easy way – with decorative ceiling planks or tiles. No scraping required!
visit: https://www.armstrongceilings.com/residential/en-us/campaigns/cover-popcorn-ceiling-ads.html?etid=DIS-PD-ResWinter19-CSTM-BNR-20195---ALL--RetargetCoverPopcornRev300x600&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjLfznozz6&fbclid=IwAR3qvBsMHWnTVJQCjQzKmE5YghNkuLCuhrZoiIxmXIebsYa76Fx8YjZZ6lE